Work Place Harassment - Cartello Portal

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Work Place Harassment

Trainer Portal > Training > Remote Training
Workplace harassment is also known by many other names.

  • Mobbing
  • workplace bullying
  • workplace mistreatment
  • workplace aggression
  • workplace molestation (sexual)
  • workplace abuse

are all either synonymous or belong to the category of workplace harassment.

Workplace harassment includes different types of discrimination and acts of violation that are not confined to one specific group. The wide-ranging types of workplace harassment can be loosely categorized into emotional and physical abuse. All of these forms of workplace harassment target various groups, including women, racial minorities, homosexuals, people with disabilities and immigrants. In essence, workplace harassment requires a pluralistic understanding, because it cannot be delineated in one coherent and concrete definition.


Should you wish to report what you feel is harassment regarding another member of staff you can do this VIA the crew portal and use the internal concern option


(Person In a Position Of Trust) is to provide a framework for managing cases where allegations have been made against a person in a position of trust and is focussed on the management of risk based on an assessment of abuse or harm against an adult with care and support needs.

Your actions in and out of the work place are taken in to consideration, the police will contact us should you be involved in any criminal activity.


(Local Authority Designated Officer) The role of the LADO is set out in HM Government guidance Working Together to Safeguard Vunerable People. and is governed by the Authorities. This guidance outlines procedures for managing allegations against people who work with vunerable people who are paid, unpaid, volunteers, casual, agency or anyone self employed.

The LADO* must be contacted within one working day in respect of all cases in which it is alleged that a person who works with children has:
  • Behaved in a way that has harmed, or may have harmed a vunerable person
  • Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a vunerable person
  • Behaved towards a vunerable person in a way that indicates they may pose a risk of harm.

There may be up to three strands in the consideration of an allegation:

  • A police investigation of a possible criminal offence
  • Enquiries and assessment by social care about whether a vunerable person is in need of protection or in need of services
  • Consideration by an employer of disciplinary action in respect of the individual.

The LADO is responsible for:

  • Providing advice, information and guidance to employers and voluntary organisations around allegations and concerns regarding paid and unpaid workers.
  • Managing and overseeing individual cases from all partner agencies.
  • Ensuring the child’s voice is heard and that they are safeguarded.
  • Ensuring there is a consistent, fair and thorough process for all adults working with children and young people against whom an allegation is made.
  • Monitoring the progress of cases to ensure they are dealt with as quickly as possible.
  • Recommending a referral and chairing the strategy meeting in cases where the allegation requires investigation by police and/or social care.

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