Vehicle Cleaning - Cartello Portal

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Vehicle Cleaning

Trainer Portal > Training > Remote Training
Vehicle Cleaning

Your vehicle is your office of work and needs to be kept

·       Clean

·       Stocked

·       Organised

At All Times!

You should clean the inside vehicle after every patient use concentrating on the areas the patient has used, you should also give your vehicle a complete clean after every shift this includes removing the stretcher and any lifting equipment in order to clean behind them.

In the case of transporting a patient with a high contagion such as COVID 19, Cdiff etc. You need to return to base or use a hospital cleaning zone to deep clean your vehicle, this entails :-

·       Removing all stock

·       Removing All Equipment

·       Cleaning the roof in the rear of the vehicle

·       Cleaning all Sides in the rear of the vehicle

·       Cleaning the interior of the cupboards

·       Mop the floor
·       Cleaning all seats

  • Cleaning all equipment before placing back in the ambulance

·       Clean the Cabin & Remove all rubbish

Basically cleaning all components of the vehicle to prevent spread of the illness to others! (IPC)

To Clean you vehicle after shift if a deep clean is not required you should

·       Remove all lifting equipment

·       Wipe sides down

·       Clean all seats

·       Clean all equipment

·       Mop the floor

·       Place equipment back in

·       Clean the cabin & remove all rubbish

Once you have completed any cleaning this should be updated on the app with the photo evidence of the exterior of the vehicle

Please see the below video for how we should be cleaning the vehicle and how to use a spill kit to clean bodily spillages.

0845 45 999 68

Cartello Ambulance
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