RTC - Cartello Portal

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Trainer Portal > Training > Remote Training

In the unfortunate event that you are involved in a minor or major RTC you need to ensure the following procedures are followed

  • Stop
  • Check for injuries
  • If any injuries,call 999 and ask for police and Ambulance.
  • Obtain details of all involved, including witnesses and take photos.
  • Pass details of vehicle and company to others involved
  • Inform management Immediately
  • Report the accident on the APP under "Report a Vehicle Fault"

Should have a fault of any sort on your vehicle this needs to be reported to us VIA the app this updates our in house vehicle technician that the vehicle needs attention. Again this can be done under the "Report a vehicle fault". You should also take any images to assist the technician in identifying the fault.

Please watch the below video on how to report an RTC and vehicle fault

0845 45 999 68

Cartello Ambulance
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