Patient handovers - Cartello Portal

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Patient handovers

Trainer Portal > Training > Remote Training
Patient Handovers

When you are receiving a patient that patients care then becomes your responsibility and therefor under the Cartello Ambulance umbrella. To ensure you have all information to be able to deliver the best care possible always find out as much information off the patient or care assistants as possible. Sometimes this will not be possible depending on the capacity level of the patient so you would need to communicate with a family member or carer.
A clear and easy way to remember this is a system the hospitals use called SBAR which stands for

Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation


  • Mobility
  • Behaviour issues
  • Pain/injury
  • do they have any pressure sores that could affect transportation
  • Do they have a DNAR in place
  • Are there any special requirements for the transport

When arriving at the patients destination we need to carry out a patient handover this entails giving as much detail to the other carer as possible including any additional information that you have come across whilst in transit with the patient as well as information you received on the patient collection.
0845 45 999 68

Cartello Ambulance
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