Patient Care & Deterioration - Cartello Portal

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Patient Care & Deterioration

Trainer Portal > Training > Remote Training
Patient Care

Whilst a patient is in your care they become your responsibility to make sure patients are safe and comfortable at all times. Ask the patient if they are warm enough or too warm, issue blankets as and when required, never leave patient alone if not safe to do so!  Always show care and compassion a way to win a patient over is normally through the heart remember patient dignity and confidentiality. It does not happen often but should a patient become incontinent  in our care it is our duty to clean them before continuing the journey this goes for any other issue that could make the patient uncomfortable you need to ensure the patient is clean and comfortable. This responsibility falls on both crew members not just the ACA in the rear of the vehicle!

The first video is to help you imagine what your patients could be going through and to ask you to think about your how you treat patients as individuals. The second video is to teach how to react to difficult patients. Please watch both videos.

Should you be unfortunate enough to have a patient deteriorate and become severely unwell or pass away in the back of the ambulance you are to contact 999 using LIONEL to assist the ambulance service to get to you. You should also fill in a incident report form which you can find on the cartello APP. You should also use incident forms to report any incidents external of the company or internally.

Vehicle breakdowns and damages are not an incident unless a third party is involved.

Please see the below video on how to fill this in.
0845 45 999 68

Cartello Ambulance
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