Knowing your Waste - Cartello Portal

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Knowing your Waste

Trainer Portal > Training > Remote Training

The management of healthcare waste is an essential part of ensuring that health and social care activities do not pose a risk of infection. To manage healthcare waste effectively, health and social care providers need to consider:

·       Infection control and health and safety legislation.
·       Environment and waste legislation.

Any waste that is created that has the possibility of being infectious needs to be disposed of in a Bio Waste Bin this should be Yellow or Orange.

If you have transported a patient with a highly infectious illness or any bodily fluids have leaked onto your linen this is then hazardous waste and needs to be pleased in a sealed/tied yellow bag and placed in a yellow bin at your very first available opportunity.

At no point should you leave hazardous waste in the rear of your vehicle longer than needed.

Should you have hazardous waste on the vehicle whilst collecting another patient this needs to be sealed and placed out of site in an isolated place.

Whilst handling hazardous waste PPE should be work.

Non-hazardous waste should be disposed of as per government recycling guide lines.
Used Non Contaminated Linen

Any used non contaminated linen is to be placed in a red bag, these bags  disolve in washing machines protecting the people who have to handle them later, no dirty linen should be left loose and removed with any other waste at the end of your shift.
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Cartello Ambulance
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