DNAR - Cartello Portal

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A Do Not Resuscitate order (DNR or DNAR), also known as no code or allow natural death, is a legal order

These forms can be added to patients medical notes, as an instruction that should the patient stop breathing, or their heart stops, resuscitation will not be attempted. This decision is sometimes made by the patient or family, but on occasions is made by medical staff without anyone else being informed.

The intention of a Do Not Resuscitate order is to avoid painful or unpleasant procedures which could be pointless or with little guarantee of a successful outcome.

If the decision is made solely by medical staff it can cause distress if not handled sensitively, especially if it appears to have been done without any consultation with the patient or their family/carers. Under current guidelines the patient (if capable of understanding and making a decision) should be consulted, if not, next of kin/legal guardian, family or carers should be consulted.

0845 45 999 68

Cartello Ambulance
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