Crew Conflicts - Cartello Portal

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Crew Conflicts

Trainer Portal > Training > Remote Training
Your conduct with other crew members is as important as your conduct with your patients.  

We know that on occasion people have a personality clash. It is imperative that you learn how to deal with this and always remain professional, if you do not get along with another crew member and display those feelings in front of patients or customers your animosity will show through and make you seem unprofessional and create an atmosphere for the patient, making an unwell or recovering person feel uncomfortable.

If you are having difficulty with another crew member you should.

  • Talk to them try and find out why issues are occurring.
  • Attempt to adjust yourself to become more understanding of that person.
  • Be kind caring and sympathetic with out being sarcastic.
  • Kind gestures always go a long way, so offer to do something for them to try and start a health working relationship.

You should not

  • Moan or gossip about that person behind there back as this usually gets back to them and can be very hurtful.
  • Start malicious rumours this would be classed as work place harassment and you could loose your job!
  • Be rude and abrupt with them this will get anyone’s back up and guarantee an atmosphere for the remainder of the shift.
  • Belittle them at any time again this could be seen as work place harassment.

Should you feel that you have made every effort to rectify this and you have no succsess you should then contact control on the crew number or report this via the portal using the internal concern form.
Although we do try to crew people who are friendly with each other this cannot always happen, remember our priority is patient care and if a crew refuses to work due to personal differences those patients are not being moved! and the company reputasion could be damaged from this!

Should any of the above start becoming problimatic over a period of time or be a cause of complaint from anyone action will be taken to prevent this happeneing again.
0845 45 999 68

Cartello Ambulance
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