COVID 19 - Cartello Portal

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Trainer Portal > Training > Remote Training
Please remember to stay safe

Whilst dealing with patients you must have:

  • Gloves
  • Eye Protection
  • Face Mask
  • Disposable Apron or Coveralls if COVID-19 Positive
  • Ensure to stay as far away from the patient as possible,
  • whilst sitting in the rear of the vehicle make sure that you sit on the seat furthest away,
  • where possible insist that the patient wear face masks and does not touch anything unnecessarily
  • Hand sanitise after touching anything
  • Clean the vehicle down thoroughly if its a non COVID-19 patient
  • Deep clean the vehicle if COVID-19 Positive
  • Use Full PPE whilst cleaning

Below is a link to a COVID 19 Course this should take you about 1 hour, Please click the link and register to take the course

0845 45 999 68

Cartello Ambulance
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