Company image - Cartello Portal

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Company image

Trainer Portal > Training > Remote Training
Company Image

Your uniform should not be deviated from as this is the way people recognise our company!

Your uniform should be

  • White Shirt with Company Logo (provided by the company)
  • Bottle Green Jacket with Company Logo (Provided by the company)
  • Green Epaulets with Company logo (Provided by the company)
  • ID Badge (Provided by the company)
  • Black Cargo Trousers (to be provided by yourself)
  • Comfortable Black Boots (to be provided by yourself)

Things you must not do

  • Long nails are not permitted due to possible injury to the patient or yourself. If your nails are short you can wear natural/neutral colour nail polish only.

  • Makeup can be worn, but this must me natural and not like you’re going on a night out.

  • Wear any jewellery below the elbow (Bear below the elbow)

Below are images of how you should appear whilst working for Cartello
0845 45 999 68

Cartello Ambulance
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