Company Data - Cartello Portal

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Company Data

Trainer Portal > Training > Remote Training
Company Data

What happens to the data you collect?
All information gathered is stored on a secure server that is only accessible by certain members of staff. We use all the data to build reports that assist us with internal company improvements which can be issued to the relevant trust / company to assist them with keeping their records up to speed.

It is very important that every patient is logged via the app! Should you have issues with your app your crew mate can help as this is issued to every Crew Member. If both crew members are having issues please contact cartello control immediately and they will assist you.

Customers/ Trusts also have their own portal where they can check certain information in real time: -

  • Crew Compliance: Customers can view your training information, DBS, Driving Licence Checks etc.

  • Incident reports and out comes: When you log an incident report this is sent to a data base where office staff have to place resolutions and actions taken to prevent this happening again.

  • Complaints: any complaints raised are displayed & the resolutions
  • Vehicle Faults & Vehicle Maintenance/ Repairs
  • Vehicle Cleaning log
0845 45 999 68

Cartello Ambulance
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