Cartello App - Cartello Portal

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Cartello App

Trainer Portal > Training > Remote Training

The Cartello app has been specifically designed to replace paperwork, it is bespoke to Cartello and compulsory that it is used. To use the APP you will need a Gmail account if you do not have one please CLICK HERE to set one up.
The app has 4 main functions which the below training video will demonstrate how to use.

Vehicle Tracking

All Cartello vehicles are tracked using a portal that allows us to share your location with any customer or trust, we are also able to pull up reports off this portal that displays location, time, speed, stop times, traffic at that time and irratic driving.

This system works hand in hand with the Cartello App enabling us to answer any queries customers have and providing evidence to back up Cartello Crews
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Cartello Ambulance
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